This is an early release version, everything are subject to change, please DO NOT used for production!!!
/ microsoft
import { YandexDetect, MicrosoftBrowserPredict } from '@kdwnil/translator-utils'
await YandexDetect('hello') // en
await YandexDetect('你好') // zh
await YandexDetect('') // _
const jwt = await GetMicrosoftBrowserTranslatorAuth()
await MicrosoftBrowserPredict(['hello', '你好'], jwt)
// [
// {
// "isTranslationSupported": true,
// "isTransliterationSupported": false,
// "language": "en",
// "score": 1.0
// },
// {
// "isTranslationSupported": true,
// "isTransliterationSupported": true,
// "language": "zh-Hant",
// "score": 0.67
// }
// ]
import Translator, { GoogleBrowserTranslate } from '@kdwnil/translator-utils'
await Translator('你好', 'google', 'auto', 'zh-cn', false) // { content: 'hello', message: '' }
await Translator('你好', 'google', 'auto', 'zh-cn', true) // { content: RESULT_CONTENT_FROM_GOOGLE_TRANSLATOR, message: '' }
// or...
await GoogleBrowserTranslate('你好', 'auto', 'zh-cn', false)
is an optional parameter used for state management.
import Translator, { GetMicrosoftBrowserTranslatorAuth, GetMicrosoftTranslatorToken } from '@kdwnil/translator-util'
// microsoft
const { IG, token, key } = await GetMicrosoftTranslatorToken()
console.log(await Translator('hello', 'microsoft', 'auto', 'zh-hans', false, { IG, token, key }))
// microsoft browser(edge)
let msBrowserJwt = await GetMicrosoftBrowserTranslatorAuth()
console.log(await Translator('hello', 'microsoft_browser', 'auto', 'zh-hans', false, { jwt: msBrowserJwt }))
To know more, view files in ~/src/source
import { GetMicrosoftTranslatorToken, MicrosoftTTS, MicrosoftBrowserTTS, GoogleTTS, SogouTTS } from '@kdwnil/translator-util'
// google
console.log(await GoogleTTS('en', 'hi'))
// ms
const msToken = await GetMicrosoftTranslatorToken()
console.log(await MicrosoftTTS('en', 'hi', { IG: msToken.IG, token: msToken.token, key: msToken.key }))
// ms edge
// You can use MicrosoftBrowserTTS in cli and browser
console.log(await MicrosoftBrowserTTS('en-US', 'hi', { optput_format: 'webm-24khz-16bit-mono-opus', voice: 'en-US-AvaNeural' }))
Because of CORS policy
, you can only use GoogleBrowserTranslate
, MicrosoftBrowserTranslator
or SogouBrowserTranslator
in browser.
is supported in browser, but predicted service is NOT supported, so you can't set source
to auto
in function calling.
is also supported in browser, but the source can not be set to auto
Proxy can only be used in nodejs environment, set environment variable http_proxy
and https_proxy
to active it
# npm
npm i @kdwnil/translator-utils@github:BANKA2017/translator-utils#npm
# yarn
yarn add @kdwnil/translator-utils@github:BANKA2017/translator-utils#npm
<!-- es6 only -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- example -->
<script type="module">
console.log(await translator('hi', 'google', 'auto', 'zh-cn', false))
console.log(await translator('hi', 'microsoft', 'auto', 'zh-hans', false))
console.log(await translator('hi', 'sogou', 'auto', 'ja', false))
console.log(await translator('hi', 'yandex', 'en', 'ja', false)) //couldn't use 'auto'
translator('hi', 'google', 'auto', 'zh-cn', true)
.then((response) => {
.catch((e) => {
//like npm
import Translator, { GoogleBrowserTranslate } from ''
The last version that provides Baidu Translator and Watson is 0.0.2-alpha.36