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Releases: Archomeda/Gw2Sharp


17 Jul 18:43
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This release focuses on the new legendary armory addition, introduced in the game on 13 July 2021, along with some minor bug fixes.


  • Add /v2/account/legendaryarmory (#86)
  • Add /v2/legendaryarmory (#86)
  • Apply schema changes of 2021-07-15 that updates the equipment location type (Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.ItemEquipmentLocationType) to include EquippedFromLegendaryArmory and LegendaryArmory for /v2/characters, /v2/characters/:id, /v2/characters/:id/equipment and /v2/characters/:id/equipmenttabs (#91)


  • Due to an oversight, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.CharactersIdClient didn't properly expose EquipmentPvp that was made available with the previous schema update, which is corrected along with the latest schema update (#91)
  • Failing responses that don't have a JSON body now have the correct exception type based on the HTTP status code (was always UnexpectedStatusException before, instead of e.g. ServerErrorException for a 500) (#89)
  • The version reported in the user agent is now the correct version (file version instead of assembly version) (#88)


  • .NET 5 is explicitly targeted in order to make use of the cross-platform attributes (#90)
    • We are using this to warn users when accessing the Mumble Link client on a non-Windows platform (this is only supported when your project targets .NET 5 or higher)


14 Jul 19:06
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v1.2.0-preview.1 Pre-release

This is a prerelease version of 1.2.0, the final version will be released after all the legendary armory changes are available in the API.


  • Add /v2/account/legendaryarmory (#86)
  • Add /v2/legendaryarmory (#86)


  • Failing responses that don't have a JSON body now have the correct exception type based on the HTTP status code (was always UnexpectedStatusException before, instead of e.g. ServerErrorException for a 500) (#89)
  • The version reported in the user agent is now the correct version (file version instead of assembly version) (#88)


  • .NET 5 is explicitly targeted in order to make use of the cross-platform attributes (#90)
    • We are using this to warn users when accessing the Mumble Link client on a non-Windows platform (this is only supported when your project targets .NET 5 or higher)


08 Apr 20:39
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This release applies the schema changes of 2021-04-06, which has moved the PvP equipment details to the proper equipment tabs information.


  • Move EquipmentPvp from Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.Character to Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.CharacterEquipmentTabSlot (#85).
    • This deprecates EquipmentPvp from Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.Character and will finally be removed from Gw2Sharp starting from version 2.0
    • This makes EquipmentPvp also available under the /v2/characters/:id/equipmenttabs sub-endpoint, which can be reached from Gw2Client.WebApi.V2.Characters[id].EquipmentTabs


01 Jan 00:40
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Gw2Sharp can now be considered feature complete.

Happy new year everyone 🎆
Let's celebrate 2021 with the first non-prerelease version of Gw2Sharp!

Despite this being a major version increment, there have been no public facing code changes compared to 0.12.0; your code should still compile without any issues.

Given that we have reached version 1, I'm changing the way how the versioning works.
Previously, when Gw2Sharp was still in version 0.x.y, any breaking change would increment the minor number and any non-breaking change would increment the patch number.
Now, starting with version 1, Gw2Sharp will follow semver properly. Breaking changes will increment the major version. Non-breaking additions will increment the minor version. Non-breaking fixes will increment the patch version.


  • System.Text.Json has been updated to 5.0.0 with some additional internal changes to support the transition from 4.7.1


22 Dec 22:56
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v0.12.0 Pre-release

After 2 years of development, this version marks a milestone for Gw2Sharp.

It is now feature complete, with thanks to @werdes for setting up WvW support that I have postponed for quite a while.

What does this mean for the future for Gw2Sharp?
Well, there is at least one additional thing I still want to finish, and that's updating the System.Text.Json dependency to version 5.
Once I've finished that, Gw2Sharp 1.0.0 is around the corner, and it's pretty much done until ArenaNet adds additional endpoints or makes additional changes to the API.

Besides feature completing Gw2Sharp, this version also includes a major update regarding caching support as mentioned in 0.11.1.
This is a breaking change, but it will make caching more reliable (#71).
All interfaces and built-in caching classes have been overhauled.
In short, the focus was to only support strings and raw byte arrays, instead of generic types that have to be converted back and forth between C# objects and JSON strings.

Ironically, while the classes themselves have had their generic types removed, the cache objects are actually more generic since they support the raw responses instead of being bound to C# types.

Heads up: If you've been using the ArchiveCacheMethod, keep in mind that 0.12.0 uses a new file structure and will fully clear the archive if it detects that the archive isn't in the structure it expects it to be.
If you decide to revert to an older Gw2Sharp version, you may experience exceptions if you don't delete the archive manually before using it.
Please do not report those issues as they will not be worked on.

If you haven't implemented your own caching method(s), you should have no issues updating.


  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItem<T> has been removed
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItem no longer implements IEquatable<CacheItem> since it's no longer used internally
  • Breaking: Since the generic version of Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItem has been removed, the actual data can now be retrieved with the properties RawItem or StringItem, depending if it's a raw byte array or a string (accessing the wrong property will throw an InvalidOperationException)
  • Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItem has additional properties Status, Type and StatusCode
  • The enums Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItemStatus and Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItemType have been added to support the previous mentioned properties
  • Breaking: In Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.ICacheMethod (and their derivatives BaseCacheMethod, ArchiveCacheMethod, MemoryCacheMethod and NullCacheMethod), the methods TryGetAsync, SetAsync, SetManyAsync, GetOrUpdateAsync and GetOrUpdateManyAsync have been changed to non-generic versions of themselves and CacheItem
  • Breaking: In Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.ICacheMethod (and their derivatives BaseCacheMethod, ArchiveCacheMethod, MemoryCacheMethod and NullCacheMethod), the methods SetAsync, GetOrUpdateAsync and GetOrUpdateManyAsync have had their signature changed to strip out redundant parameters that are now included in CacheItem
  • Breaking: The internal ZIP file structure used in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.ArchiveCacheMethod has been changed to support the caching changes, bumping it from no versioning to version 1


  • Breaking: The constant CACHE_STATE_HEADER in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpResponseInfo has been removed in favor of having a dedicated cache state property on various classes, instead of injecting it through a custom Gw2Sharp header
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.IHttpResponseStream and Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.IWebApiResponse have the additional property CacheState
  • Breaking: The constructors of Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpResponseInfo, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpResponseStream, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.WebApiResponse and Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.ApiV2HttpResponseInfo have been modified to accept the CacheState parameter


  • Add /v2/wvw/abilities (#80 by @werdes)
  • Add /v2/wvw/matches (#80 by @werdes)
  • Add /v2/wvw/matches/overview (#80)
  • Add /v2/wvw/matches/scores (#80)
  • Add /v2/wvw/matches/stats (#80)
  • Add /v2/wvw/objectives (#80 by @werdes)
  • Add /v2/wvw/ranks (#80 by @werdes)
  • Add /v2/wvw/upgrades (#80 by @werdes)
  • Add AttributeAdjustment property to various item related models (Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.ItemArmorDetails, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.ItemBackDetails, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.ItemTrinketDetails, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.ItemUpgradeComponentDetails, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.ItemWeaponDetails) (#70, #84)


29 Aug 08:43
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v0.11.1 Pre-release


  • Fix caching with an archive backing file (ArchiveCacheMethod) where it cannot (de)serialize the data (#72)


  • Fix LegendType to start with 1 instead of 14 (#73)

Upcoming breaking changes

While the ArchiveCacheMethod should be fixed for now, the upcoming version 0.12.0 will introduce an overhaul for all caching methods that will make them more reliable.
This patch update should be regarded as an intermediate fix before that happens, without introducing breaking changes.


10 Aug 17:23
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v0.11.0 Pre-release

This release includes the most breaking changes in Gw2Sharp so far in order to support middleware, which is a major change in how Gw2Sharp handles requests.
If you're only using the surface API in Gw2Sharp, the impact will be very low.
However, if you've been implementing some of the interfaces yourself in order to change Gw2Sharp's functionality, please review the changes listed for this release below to see how much you've been impacted.


By default, three middleware classes are enabled: CacheMiddleware, RequestSplitterMiddleware and ExceptionMiddleware.
You can configure the middleware used when creating a Connection through the Middleware property.
This property is an IList, and the order of execution follows the order of the list.
This means that the first middleware that's in the list will be executed first, and the last middleware will be executed last.

For more information, please check the middleware documentation.


  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.ICacheMethod (and its implementers BaseCacheMethod, ArchiveCacheMethod, MemoryCacheMethod) and Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Caching.CacheItem have had their keys changed from the object type to the string type
  • Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpResponseInfo (that is set on all API return types as the HttpResponseInfo property) now includes an additional property called CacheState that indicates whether the request was served from cache or from the live API server (please be aware of the current limitations).


  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.Profession.SkillsByPalette is now using a IReadOnlyDictionary<int, int> instead of IDictionary<int, int>
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.BaseEndpointClient has had its generic parameter removed as it's no longer necessary
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.IEndpointClient has been changed to better expose the endpoint metadata (all its implementers, basically all endpoint clients, have been updated to reflect these changes as well)
  • Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.EndpointBulkIdNameAttribute has been extended to support a different id name for the object in case it doesn't equal the id name of the query parameter (this is e.g. used in the middleware to split and merge responses and/or caching)
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.EndpointPathParameterAttribute has been renamed to EndpointQueryParameterAttribute to indicate it's actually a query parameter and not a URL path
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.IEndpointClientImplementation and its implementer EndpointClientImplementation has been removed in favor of middleware
  • Breaking: All custom request exceptions listed in the Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http namespace have been moved into the Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Exceptions namespace
  • All custom request exceptions have had their ISerializable implementation removed because it's too tedious to maintain for now
  • Two new types of bad requests have been added in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Exceptions:
    • ListTooLongException: This will be thrown whenever the API request contains too many ids for the request to complete (this may happen when the RequestSplitterMiddleware isn't used)
    • PageOutOfRangeException: The will be thrown whenever a paged API request is done for a page that doesn't exist, a.k.a. is out of range
  • Update Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Pvp.Seasons[id].Leaderboards[board][region] to support pagination (#55)


  • Fix possible memory leak when using the archive memory cache in combination with binary data (a MemoryStream was not being disposed)
  • Fix KeyNotFoundException when performing a many request with at least one (but not all) invalid id (#65, #66)
  • Fix LegendType to start with 14 instead of 13 (#63)
  • Fail early when an access token is incorrectly formatted by throwing an ArgumentException during constructing of the Connection object, and when setting it through the Connection.AccessToken property (#62)


  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.IConnection no longer has RequestAsync(...) since this functionality has been rewritten to support middleware
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.IConnection now has the property IList<Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Middleware.IWebApiMiddleware> to configure the middleware
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpResponseInfo has had its RawRequestHeaders property removed
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.IHttpRequest has been renamed to IWebApiRequest, its properties have been changed and moved into the property Options and the new method ExecuteAsync(...) has been added
  • Breaking: Following its interface, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpRequest has been renamed to WebApiRequest and its functionality has been adopted to the changes in the interface as well
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.IHttpResponse has been renamed to IWebApiResponse and no longer contains RequestHeaders, while ResponseHeaders is no longer read-only (to allow middleware to change them if necessary) and has the additional method Copy (to allow middleware to copy a few properties by value into a new response object)
  • Breaking: Following its interface, Gw2Sharp.WebApi.Http.HttpResponse has been renamed to WebApiResponse and its functionality has been adopted to the changes in the interface as well
  • Breaking, but minimal impact unless you've been using some of the "public" internals provided by Gw2Sharp in your application:
    • The following structs have been made readonly: Gw2Sharp.Models.Coordinates2, Gw2Sharp.Models.Coordinates3, Gw2Sharp.Models.Size
    • All chat link structs that were in the namespace Gw2Sharp.ChatLinks.Structs have been moved to Gw2Sharp.ChatLinks.Internal to clarify that they are for internal use only
    • The Gw2Sharp.Json.Converters.CompactMapConverter that's used for endpoints that return objects with skill palettes has been changed to deserialize to IReadOnlyDictionary<K, V> instead of IDictionary<K, V>
  • A bunch of internal code changes to conform ReSharper and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers
  • All methods that compare strings, parse strings or create strings from other types have been updated to make sure that they ignore the system locale
  • Mount type 10 in Mumble Link doesn't redirect to MountType.None anymore (#64)


23 May 22:27
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v0.10.0 Pre-release


  • Add /v2/skins
  • Add /v2/specializations
  • Add /v2/stories
  • Add /v2/stories/seasons
  • Add /v2/titles
  • Add /v2/traits
  • Add /v2/worlds


  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.Models.MountSkinDyeSlot has been renamed to Gw2Sharp.Models.SkinDyeSlot
  • Breaking: Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Clients.ILocalizedClient no longer accepts the object type as generic type parameter; it's now just an interface without any type parameters (#57, #61)
  • Breaking: Some internal reworkings of how the various endpoint clients are implemented; this includes the removal of the public Gw2Sharp.IClient interface (#61)

Deprecation removals

  • Following up on version 0.9.5, the enum value Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillWeaponType.Harpoon has been removed in favor of Spear


28 Apr 19:28
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v0.9.6 Pre-release


  • Update MumbleLink to support new features (#58, #59):
    • Process id
    • Mount
    • UI states: IsInCombat
  • Add support for custom MumbleLink names through IGw2MumbleClient[name] (see documentation for more details)


18 Apr 18:36
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v0.9.5 Pre-release


  • Add the following missing properties in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.Skill:
    • Specialization
    • DualAttunement
    • SubSkills
  • Change the following properties from int to double:
    • Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillFactComboFinisher.Percent
    • Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillFactPercent.Percent
    • Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillFactRecharge.Value
  • Add missing property Value in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillFactPercent (although this seems to be a bug in the API)
  • Deprecate Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillWeaponType.Harpoon in favor of Spear (still no consistency between harpoons, spears, harpoon guns and spear guns)
  • Add missing enum None in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.AttributeType (which is apparently used for skills that apply barrier)
  • Add missing enums Toolbelt and Transform1 in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillSlot
  • Add missing enum Transform in Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models.SkillType