Releases: Antynea/grub-btrfs
v3.0 : Generate "menuentries" in a separate file
GRUB shouldn't break anymore (#46)
- Update 41_snapshots-btrfs
Enhanced error handling :
- new function available: print_error
- if btrfs-progs is not present, print a error and exit
New options in etc/default/grub
- disable this script
Enhanced menuentries:
- menuentries is now store in new grub configfile (/boot/grub/grub.cfg)
- use new functions for make a menuentry: make_menu_entries and entry
- harmonize menuentry with matching version kernel&initramfs # initramfs-linux-fallback is include and not boot with intel-ucode if exist , same as original patch in GRUB for Arch Linux
- make a menuentry in Grub menu (grub.cfg) to load our configfile
Enhanced /boot detection:
- create two separate function for make menuentries, if /boot is on a separate partition, use function boot_separate, else, boot_bounded
- if no kernel found, print a message and exit
- if no initramfs found, print a message and exit
Delete function: boot_dir
No longer uses gettext_printf function of grub-mkconfig_lib
New function to detect kernel:
- add all original standard kernel
- verifying if kernel exist before to continue
New functionto detect initramfs:
- add all original standard initramfs
- verifying if initramfs exist before to continue
New function to detect microcode
New counter:
- add a counter to show a warning if the total menuentries made exceeds 250 entries
Purge some obsolete code
Size tabulation is now 4
Add systemd service configuration for grub updating (snapper)
- Add systemd service configuration for grub updating
This configuration file causes update-grub
to be run after
Snapper's cleanup and timeline services are run by systemd
Make invoked command more universal
Note the need to run systemctl daemon-reload
fix Snapper id too long
snapper's snapshot description support
I am proud to announce you the development of snapper support
Thanks to all contributors, especially @maximbaz for their work.
A year that starts well
new feature and fix
- Update the top-level subvolid from 0 to 5.
- fix typo
- fix issue that prevented the harmonize option to generate initrd lines
- add "Display name of microcode in menuentry when available"
Create only entries with matching version numbers and one small improvement
- adds an option to create only entries where the version number of the kernel and the initramfs match and it also considers the initramfs naming scheme found in Debian.
- small improvement to use a safer temporary directory for mounting the btrfs root
Fix : GRUB_BTRFS_LIMIT (Limit the number of snapshots populated in the GRUB menu.)
Fix : When a value =< 0, script stop correctly
Fix : When a value => 1, script stop when the value is reached
e.g :
script doesn't detect snapshot - GRUB_BTRFS_LIMIT"1" or "2" "etc..."
script will stop the snapshot detection when value is reached
- clean code
- add a option to : specific path to ignore during run grub-mkconfig
e.g :Found Snapshot: 2016-03-31 10:26:52 var/lib/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/74040aee4fa
docker is not a real snapshot available to boot
add : GRUB_BTRFS_IGNORE_SPECIFIC_PATH=("var/lib/docker") to your /etc/default/grub
and this path will be skip during run grub-mkconfig
Warning : copy exactly the right path (var/lib/docker , not /var/lib/docker/), do not put the full path