The RFC was made possible with the help of @stevenyomi who originally made one for Tachiyomi
Table of Content:
A simple class to hold arbitrary pagination data
class PaginatedData<T, K>(
val data: List<T>,
val nextKey: K?
) {
operator fun component1() = data
operator fun component2() = nextKey
infix fun <T, K> List<T>.withNextPageKey(key: K?) = PaginatedData(this, key)
interface Extension {
fun getItems(context: ExtensionContext): List<ExtensionItem>
The entry point. Developers are required to make a class (or object?) with no parameters that inherits Extension
. Consumer will use the implemented class (again or object?) to create an Extension
is used to pass data to the extension. Like passing the HTTP client and what not.
interface ExtensionContext {
val httpClient: HttpClient
Sealed class of items that the extension can provides.
abstract class Source(context: ExtensionContext): EISource, ExtensionContext by context {
abstract val id: String
abstract val name: String
abstract val language: String
abstract suspend fun getListings(): List<Listing>
abstract suspend fun getFilterList(listing: Listing): FilterList
abstract suspend fun getMangaList(
listing: Listing,
page: Int,
filterState: Map<String, String>,
filterList: FilterList,
): MangaPagingSource
abstract suspend fun getSearchFilterList(): FilterList
abstract suspend fun getSearchMangaList(
query: String,
page: Int,
filterState: Map<String, String>,
filterList: FilterList,
): MangaPagingSource
abstract suspend fun getMangaUpdate(manga: Manga, needDetails: Boolean, needChapters: Boolean): Manga
abstract suspend fun getPageList(chapter: Chapter): List<Page>
suspend fun getPage(page: PageUrl): PageComplete = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
abstract class HttpSource(context: ExtensionContext): Source(context) {
val needPcUserAgent: Boolean get() = true
abstract suspend fun getMangaUrl(manga: Manga): String
abstract suspend fun getChapterUrl(chapter: Chapter): String
abstract suspend fun getCoverRequest(manga: Manga): HttpRequest
abstract suspend fun getImageRequest(url: String): HttpRequest
sealed class MangaPagingSource: PagingSource<MangaPagingSource.Key, Manga>() {
sealed interface Key
fun <K> MangaPagingSource(
fetch: suspend (K?) -> PaginatedData<Manga, K>,
): MangaPagingSource = MangaPagingSourceImpl(
fetch = fetch
private class MangaPagingSourceImpl<K>(
private val fetch: suspend (K?) -> PaginatedData<Manga, K>
): MangaPagingSource() {
class GenericKey<T>(val value: T): Key
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Key>): LoadResult<Key, Manga> {
return try {
val response = fetch((params.key as? GenericKey<K>)?.value)
data =,
prevKey = null,
nextKey = response.nextKey?.let(::GenericKey),
} catch (e: Throwable) {
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Key, Manga>): Key? = null
class Listing(val id: String, val name: String) {
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Listing && id ==
override fun hashCode() = id.hashCode()
override fun toString() = "Listing(id=$id, name=$name)"
companion object Preset {
// Consumers should localize the presets separately
val Default = Listing("default", "Default")
val Popular = Listing("popular", "Popular")
val Latest = Listing("latest", "Latest")
val Ranking = Listing("ranking", "Ranking")
class Manga(
val key: String,
val title: String,
val altTitles: List<String> = emptyList(),
val artists: List<String> = emptyList(),
val authors: List<String> = emptyList(),
val description: String = "",
val genres: List<String> = emptyList(),
val status: MangaStatus = MangaStatus.Unknown,
val cover: String? = null,
val rating: Float = -1f,
val updateStrategy: UpdateStrategy = UpdateStrategy.AlwaysUpdate,
val initialized: Boolean = false,
val chapters: List<Chapter>? = null,
val related: List<Manga> = emptyList(),
val internalData: String = "",
enum class MangaStatus {
enum class UpdateStrategy {
class Chapter(
val key: String,
val number: Float = -1f,
val volume: FLoat = -1f,
val name: String? = null,
val dateUpload: Long = 0,
val scanlators: List<String> = emptyList(),
val lockedStatus: ChapterLockState = ChapterLockState.NONE,
val internalData: String = "",
enum class ChapterLockState(val isLocked: Boolean, val disablePageFetch: Boolean) {
NONE(isLocked = false, disablePageFetch = false),
LOCKED(isLocked = true, disablePageFetch = true),
UNLOCKED(isLocked = false, disablePageFetch = false),
class Page(
content: PageContent,
thumbnail: String? = null,
sealed interface PageContent
class PageUrl(val url: String, val internalData: String = "") : PageContent
sealed interface PageComplete : PageContent
class PageImageUrl(val urls: List<String>) : PageComplete {
constructor(url: String) : this(listOf(url))
class PageText(val text: String) : PageComplete