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College Database Management System (clgdb)

This project is a comprehensive database management system for a college, designed to efficiently manage data related to students, faculty, courses, results, and more. The system is implemented using MySQL and includes various tables with well-defined relationships and constraints to ensure data integrity and consistency.

ER Diagram

ER Diagram


1. Comprehensive Data Management

  • Students: Track personal details, department, and mentors.
  • Faculty: Manage faculty details and their corresponding departments and heads of departments (HODs).
  • Courses and Subjects: Store information about the courses offered and the subjects taught.
  • Hostellers and Day Scholars: Separate tracking of residential status and associated details.
  • Results and GPA: Record student grades and calculate GPA.

2. Well-Defined Relationships

  • One-to-Many Relationships: For example, a department can have multiple faculty members.
  • Many-to-Many Relationships: Through associative entities like teachers which connect faculty and subjects.
  • Foreign Key Constraints: Ensuring referential integrity across tables.

3. Advanced SQL Features

  • Triggers: Automatic enforcement of rules such as preventing duplicate entries across hostellers and dayscholars, and calculating GPA.
  • Unique Constraints: Ensuring unique entries where necessary, such as unique roll numbers in the students table.
  • Enum Types: Standardizing categorical data such as departments and years.

Database Structure

Tables and Columns

  • students: Contains roll number, name, department, and mentor.
  • faculty: Contains faculty ID, name, department, and the corresponding HOD.
  • hod: Contains HOD ID, name, and department.
  • courses_enrolled: Links students to the courses they are enrolled in.
  • subjects: Contains subject code and name.
  • teachers: Links faculty to the subjects they teach.
  • results: Records student grades for specific subjects and semesters.
  • gpa: Stores GPA calculated from student results.
  • hostellers: Details about students staying in hostels, including fee payment status.
  • dayscholars: Details about day scholars, including bus usage and fee payment status.
  • alumni: Information about graduated students, including their current positions and companies.

Key Relationships

  • One-to-Many: Between HOD and faculty, faculty and students, faculty and subjects.
  • Many-to-Many: Between students and courses.
  • One-to-One: Between students and dayscholars/hostellers, alumini and students.

Triggers and Constraints

  • Preventing Duplicate Entries: Trigger to ensure a student cannot be both a hosteller and a day scholar in the same year.
  • GPA Calculation: Trigger to automatically calculate and insert GPA after inserting results.
  • Alumni Restriction: Trigger to prevent further modifications of a student’s record once they are marked as alumni.

Example Queries

  • Get hostellers who haven't paid the fee:
    SELECT, h.roll 
    FROM hostellers h 
    JOIN students s ON h.roll = s.roll 
    WHERE h.fee_payed = 'no';
  • Get day scholars using the college bus who haven't paid the fee:
    SELECT, d.roll 
    FROM dayscholars d 
    JOIN students s ON d.roll = s.roll 
    WHERE d.clgbus_or_not = 'yes' AND d.fee_payed = 'no';


This project demonstrates a robust and scalable database design for a college management system, utilizing advanced SQL features to maintain data integrity and automate complex tasks. It serves as a foundation for managing a wide array of academic and administrative data efficiently.