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87 lines (58 loc) · 3.56 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (58 loc) · 3.56 KB



You can use any editor of your choice

Both rider and ionide pick up fantomas's configuration when formating/format on saving a file visual studio requires an extra plugin. If you use any other tool like fvim or variants please just don't forget to format your files before pushing them via the local fantomas tool.


The project is a .NET console app so you don't need to do anything special, restore local tool and then build the project with the dotnet cli/IDE options

dotnet tool restore
dotnet build

If you want to build your own packages for testing just run at the root of this repository

dotnet fsi build.fsx build:runtime -- <rid>

Where <rid> means a dotnet runtime identifier such as:

  • linux-x64
  • linux-arm64
  • osx-x64
  • osx-arm64
  • win10-x64
  • win10-arm64

That will generate your specific output in ./dist/<rid> which then can be run like:

  • /path/to/Perla/dist/<rid>/Perla serve
  • C:\path\to\Perla\dist\<rid>\Perla.exe serve
dotnet fsi ./build.fsx -t PackNugets

Manual Testing

If you want to test your changes manually (preferred way as the time of writing due to lack of tests) you can use the App project

cd sample
dotnet run --project ../src/Perla -- serve # or any other command

For VSCode/Visual Studio/Rider there are some Debug configurations that help on this scenario, if the configuration is generic enough, feel free to include it in your PR however if it's a different version of an existing configuration please don't include it.



Please ensure your code is Formatted with Fantomas either by running dotnet fantomas . or dotnet fsi tools.fsx -- format


Main development happens in the dev branch meaning that all pull requests need be based of dev and target dev from your branch

You can send PR's without issues if you think the problem/fix is relatively simple/short, however if you want to pursue a more complex feature, please open an Issue or mark your PR as a draft so we can discuss the changes and potential impact on the code.

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Sending a PR doesn't mean it will get merged
  • It might be required from your part to do few or several changes before getting a PR merged
  • Your PR changes might get edited, modified by the maintainers before/after a possible merge


If you want to update content or edit typos simply look for docs/assets/**/Your Markdown edit and send the PR right away, no need to download the project at all. If you want to help with the docs website in any way, be it CSS or adding routes or other components then you want to keep reading.

The documentation is a dogfooding project under the directory of src/docs it is a react website, if you're using VSCode there is a background task you can run which is the docs task this will spin up Perla under the docs directory and you should be able to open localhost:7331. If you're not using VSCode then you will need to do the following

cd ./docs
dotnet run --project ../src/Perla -- serve

This will spin up Perla on the docs website and youll be able to see it in localhost:7331