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File metadata and controls

46 lines (34 loc) · 1.5 KB


Table of Contents


This project is a very small 2D game. Here I work with textures, sprites and some basic gameplay elements.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


This project works only on Linux/MacOS platforms only. make sure to include the following frameworks for MacOS:

-framework OpenGL -framework AppKit


To play you can use some of the makefile rules, or execute the file so_long if it's been generated, passing the map you want to play as parameter (./so_long ../TEST/maps/s.ber). The make file has the following rules:

  • make -> Generates so_long.out and an object file for each .c
  • make clean Deletes all object files
  • make fclean Deletes the object files and the so_long
  • make re makes fclean and make again


The game is able to play any map you want as long as it follow some specific rules:

  • The map has to be a .ber file.
  • It can only contain some of the following characters:

| 1 | Wall. | 0 | Empty space. | C | Collectable. | E | Exit. | P | Player starting position.

  • The map must be a rectangle surrounded by walls ‘1’.
  • It must have at least one exit ‘E’ and one collectable ‘C’. And only one player ‘P’.

See some examples in the ./TEST/maps folder of this project.