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Day 1: December 01, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed the Introduction Programs of C++ in Hackerrank.

Thoughts: After 2 years of working on Python, I gave myself a good opportunity to learn C++, now I am pretty much familiar with the basic syntax and implementation of basic concepts of C++.

Link to work: C++ Introduction

Day 2: December 02, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed the Strings and Class Problems of C++ in Hackerrank.

Thoughts: Today I've learned about how strings works and how it is declared in C++, actually today I got to know many things about strings and its implementation. I also learned about the classes and objects and completed the given problem in hackerrank

Link to work: Strings & Class

Day 3: December 03, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed the STL Problems of C++ in Hackerrank.

Thoughts: Today I've learned about the Templates in C++ and solved the STL programs in hackerrank.

Link to work: STL

Day 4: December 04, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed the Inheritence Problems of C++ in Hackerrank.

Thoughts: Today I didn't do much as I was busy with other works, but still I managed to make some time to work on the inheritence problem in the hackerrank and solved it.

Link to work: Inheritence

Day 5: December 05, 2019

Today's Progress: Started to create my own HTML Web Resume

Thoughts: Today I got a thought that I didn't started to create my web resume which I wanted to make for a long time, so today I made some time to start working on this. Today I just made a basic HTML Template which I will be developing it for the next upcoming days.

Link to work: Web Resume

Day 6: December 06, 2019

Today's Progress: Worked on CSS part of HTML Web Resume

Thoughts: Today I just added some html code and worked on the css but not fully completed yet, hope I will finish this off soon and publish this website.

Link to work: Web Resume

Day 7: December 07, 2019

Today's Progress: Organized and mentored MLH Local Hack Day - Chennai

Thoughts: Today I was busy with organizing and mentoring the MLH Local Hack Day- Chennai, so I didn't work on any code. And I was also preparing presentation for a Cyber Security Session that I am gonna take tommorow (08/12/19).

Link to work: Presentation

Day 8: December 08, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed my Web Resume

Thoughts: Today I just sat down and fully worked on my web resume and finally was able to complete it.

Link to work: Web-Resume

Day 9: December 09, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed my First project in Deep Learning Nanodegree Thoughts: Today I just learned how neural network work, understood gradient descent, backpropagation, and other concepts using pytorch and developed my own neural network to predict daily bike rental ridership.

Link to work: Bike Sharing Project

Day 10: December 10, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed unsolved c++ problems in hackerrank Thoughts: Today I just completed all the unsolved c++ problems which I kept unsolved on each concepts.

Link to work: Hackerrank Problems

Day 11: December 11, 2019

Today's Progress: Worked on Developer Students Club website. Thoughts: Today I didn't work on my project, but worked on the Developer Students Club website of my College and completed the homepage, since it is a private repository, I didn't commit the code here.

Link to work: DSC-SIST Website

Day 12: December 12, 2019

Today's Progress: Worked on Developer Students Club website. Thoughts: Today also I just worked on the DSC website because I just want to finish this by this week and publish in the internet.

Link to work: DSC-SIST Website

Day 13: December 13, 2019

Today's Progress: Solved Project Euler easy problems in Hackerrank. Thoughts: Today I worked our and solved some project euler problems with c++ in the hackerrank.

Link to work: Project Euler

Day 14: December 14, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed the Team Page of DSC Website Thoughts: Today I worked on the DSC Website and created the team page and completed it.

Link to work: DSC Website

Day 15: December 15, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed the Dog-Breed Classification Project Thoughts: Today I worked on Dog-Breed Classification Project which is the third project of Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree and completed it.

Link to work: Dog-Breed Classification

Day 16: December 16, 2019

Today's Progress: Solved few Project Euler Problems in c++ Thoughts: Today I just solved some easy project euler problems with c++ in hackerrank.

Link to work: Project Euler

Day 17: December 17, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed TV Script Generator Project Thoughts: Today I worked on Tv Script Generator project which is a part of Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree and completed and submitted it for review by Udacity Mentors.

Link to work: TV Script Generator

Day 18: December 18, 2019

Today's Progress: Took Session on Web Pentesting and Bug Bounty Thoughts: Today I didn't code anything since I had to take an online session on Web Pentesting for the Hack0nFest Participants.

Link to work: Online Session

Day 19: December 19, 2019

Today's Progress: Solved few Project Euler Problems in c++ Thoughts: Today I just solved some easy project euler problems with c++ in hackerrank.

Link to work: Project Euler

Day 20: December 20, 2019

Today's Progress: Solved a Crio Assessment Problem Thoughts: Today I had an assessment to get eligible for launch program and they gave three problems to solve in hackerrank, whereas I was able to solve only one and I have submitted it.

Link to work: Crio Assessment

Day 21: December 21, 2019

Today's Progress: Today I didn't work on anything Thoughts: Today I Just gave myself rest after a long sleepless nights

Link to work:

Day 22: December 22, 2019

Today's Progress: Crio Workshop Thoughts: Today I just work on a Qeats facebook review project as a part of Crio workshop, which really gave me an idea about HTTP requests.

Link to work: Crio Workshop

Day 23: December 23, 2019

Today's Progress: Completed Face Generation Project Thoughts: Today I worked on udacity face generation project where I implemented GAN to generate new face on celebrities faces, I have completed it and submitted for review

Link to work: Face Generation

Day 24: December 24, 2019

Today's Progress: Edited DSC Website and Designing Christmas Poster Thoughts: Today I worked on DSC Website to add some social links and made some alignment changes in CSS and I've also designed a christmas poster for Developer students club for posting in social media.[I made commit after 12 since i has a tight work.]

Link to work: DSC Website

Day 25: December 25, 2019

Today's Progress: Solved some euler project problems Thoughts: Today I worked and solved some euler project problems in hackerrank with c and c++.

Link to work: Euler Project

Day 26: January 01, 2020

Today's Progress: Added Team Page Thoughts: Today I worked on DSC website and added the team page.

Link to work: DSC Website

Day 27: January 02, 2020

Today's Progress: Made changes in CSS Thoughts: Today I worked on DSC website and made some changes on CSS.

Link to work: DSC Website