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0x0A. C - argc, argv


  • How to use arguments passed to your program
  • What are two prototypes of main that you know of, and in which case do you use one or the other
  • How to use __attribute__((unused)) or (void) to compile functions with unused variables or parameters


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  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files will be compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using gcc, using the options -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • A file, at the root of the folder of the project is mandatory
  • Your code should use the Betty style. It will be checked using and
  • You are not allowed to use global variables
  • No more than 5 functions per file
  • The prototypes of all your functions and the prototype of the function _putchar should be included in your header file called main.h
  • Don’t forget to push your header file
  • You are allowed to use the standard library



0. It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to

Write a program that prints its name, followed by a new line.

  • If you rename the program, it will print the new name, without having to compile it again
  • You should not remove the path before the name of the program
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 0-whatsmyname.c -o mynameis
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mynameis 
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ mv mynameis mynewnameis
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mynewnameis 
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ 

Solution: 0-whatsmyname.c.

1. Silence is argument carried out by other means

Write a program that prints the number of arguments passed into it.

  • Your program should print a number, followed by a new line
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 1-args.c -o nargs
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./nargs 
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./nargs hello
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./nargs "hello, world"
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./nargs hello, world
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ 

Solution: 1-args.c.

2. The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter

Write a program that prints all arguments it receives.

  • All arguments should be printed, including the first one
  • Only print one argument per line, ending with a new line
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 2-args.c -o args
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./args 
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./args You can do anything, but not everything.
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ 

Solution: 2-args.c.

3. Neither irony nor sarcasm is argument

Write a program that multiplies two numbers.

  • Your program should print the result of the multiplication, followed by a new line
  • You can assume that the two numbers and result of the multiplication can be stored in an integer
  • If the program does not receive two arguments, your program should print Error, followed by a new line, and return 1
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 3-mul.c -o mul
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mul 2 3
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mul 2 -3
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mul 2 0
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mul 245 3245342
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./mul
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ 

Solution: 3-mul.c.

4. To infinity and beyond

Write a program that adds positive numbers.

  • Print the result, followed by a new line
  • If no number is passed to the program, print 0, followed by a new line
  • If one of the number contains symbols that are not digits, print Error, followed by a new line, and return 1
  • You can assume that numbers and the addition of all the numbers can be stored in an int
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 4-add.c -o add
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./add 1 1
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./add 1 10 100 1000
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./add 1 2 3 e 4 5
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./add
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$

Solution: 4-add.c.


5. Minimal Number of Coins for Change

Write a program that prints the minimum number of coins to make change for an amount of money.

  • Usage: ./change cents
  • where cents is the amount of cents you need to give back
  • if the number of arguments passed to your program is not exactly 1, print Error, followed by a new line, and return 1
  • you should use atoi to parse the parameter passed to your program
  • If the number passed as the argument is negative, print 0, followed by a new line
  • You can use an unlimited number of coins of values 25, 10, 5, 2, and 1 cent
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 100-change.c -o change
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./change 
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./change 10
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./change 100
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./change 101
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ ./change 13
julien@ubuntu:~/0x0A. argc, argv$ 

Solution: 100-change.c.