Prime counting of sublinear complexity in Common Lisp.
Time Complexity: O(x3/4) Space Complexity: O(x1/2)
Using sbcl, it can count primes under 10^12 under 8s, which outperforms sympy and pari-gp.
Also it can sum primes, count primes of the forms 4m+1 and 4m+3.
x | Prime Count | SBCL | CCL | CLISP |
109 | 50847534 | 0.06s | 0.19s | 1.64s |
1010 | 455052511 | 0.29s | 0.97s | 8.47s |
1011 | 4118054813 | 1.47s | 5.03s | 43.26s |
1012 | 37607912018 | 7.61s | 25.88s | 222.36s |
The benchmarks were made on my 1.9 GHz old laptop.
It can be seen that the gaps between different lisp systems
are quite large.
;; count primes <= 10^11
(primecount:prime-count (expt 10 11))
;; sum primes <= 10^11
(primecount:prime-sum (expt 10 11))
;; count primes of the forms 4m+1 and 4m+3 <= 10^11
;; (values 4m+1 4m+3)
(primecount:prime-count-mod4 (expt 10 11))
;; test if the results of prime-count match those of
;; prime-count-mod4
(defun test (range times)
(loop repeat times
for i = (+ 2 (random range))
do (multiple-value-bind (n1 n3)
(primecount:prime-count-mod4 i)
(assert (= (primecount:prime-count i)
(+ n1 n3 1))))))
(test 1000000000 10)
cd ~/my/quicklisp/local-projects/
git clone
(ql:quickload "primecount")
The origin idea came from Lucy_Hedgehog from projecteuler.
It uses an optimized sieving method as shown in
Implement more efficient algorithms in pure Common Lisp.
A good reference is