Auth is an API-REST in charge of manage the Authorization. Build under Python3.6 using Flak library and sqlite database.
Auth have the following features for each rol:
- Users
- User Registration
- User LogIn
- User Get Token
- User Change Password
- User Recover password
- Admin
- Register Platform in another platform
- Show Users
- Delete one User
- Validate one User
- Show Platforms
- Validate Platform
- Delete Platform
- Drop Data Base
Pythhon 3.6 with dependencies:
auth/ Main Folder
├─ swagger/ Swagger Folder
| └──swagger.json Swagger Specification
├─ templates/ Folder for different templates
│ ├─ recover.html Recover password template
│ ├─ validate_platform.html Validate platform template
| └──validate_user.html Validate users template
├─ auth.db SQL Database
├─ Server
├─ Service logic
├─ Utils tools
├─ Constans file
├─ Database Model
├─ DockerFile DockerFile for building the conatiner
├─ key.json Key for encrypt/desencrypt Tokens
├─ Mail config
├─ platform_name Name of the platform, used in platform register
├─ platformID ID of the platform autogenerated before the install
├─ requirements.txt Python Dependencies
└─ Server settings
DB is defined in and has the following structure: Once the DB is created, the Admin user is created, with username "Admin", password "Admin" and email "[email protected]", setted in the mail config.
There are 4 tables.
- For Role table we can found 3 attributes:
- id >> Primary key
- username >> Foreign key to User table
- rol_name >> Rol in the system
- User table with 6 attributes:
- id >> Primary key
- username >> Unique key to User
- email >> Unique in the system
- password >> Password for the user
- active >> Account validated, true for validated, false for not.
- deleted >> Account deleted by the users. But it persist for view the traces
- Registry table with 5 attributes:
- id >> Primary key
- username >> Foreign key to User table
- action >> function requested by the User
- data >> parameters for the request given
- date >> timestamp with the exact time where the action was requested
- Platform table with 4 attributes:
- platformName >> Unique key, needed for identify te platform in a simple way
- platform_id >> Primary key
- ip >> IP of the platform
- active >> Platform validated, true for validated, false for not.
Email config is defined in
Settings for the auth:
- Loading the 'key.json' for encrypting and decrypting tokens.
- Setting the token timeout
Auth is very easy to install and deploy in a Docker container.
By default, the Docker will expose port 2000, so change this within the Dockerfile if necessary. When ready, simply use the Dockerfile to build the image.
cd auth
docker build -t auth .
This will create the auth image and pull in the necessary dependencies.
Once done, run the Docker.
For run the image and map the port to whatever you wish on your host.
sudo docker run -p 2000:2000 auth
The service will be exposed in port 2000.
Luis Gómez (luis.gomez.external at
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.