Implement src/
Define the WasmConfig struct with necessary fields
Develop src/
Implement the initialize_rig_wasm function Develop the compile_to_wasm function
Create src/wasm_bindings/
Implement the WasmAgent struct and its methods
Implement src/adapters/
Complete the WasmHttpClient implementation
Develop src/adapters/
Create a WASM-compatible vector store
Enhance src/utils/
Add any necessary WASM-specific utility functions
Implement src/
Develop the command-line interface for the compiler
Create examples/
Develop a simple Rig agent example
Create examples/
Develop a RAG agent example
Implement tests/
Write integration tests for the compiler
Implement tests/
Write WASM-specific tests
Add any necessary build steps for WASM compilation
Develop www/index.js
Create JavaScript code to interact with the WASM modules
Complete the usage instructions and development guide
Final review and testing
Ensure all components work together correctly Run tests and examples